#31. The first layer of a developing awareness….

calendar socratesslightly updated with new info about photons and stuff…see miles mathes work of the charge field theory.


Awareness. The Mainstream Modern Sciences have shunned it, or relegated it to one half of a stimuli response. Alternative scientists, are starting to indicate it is made of photons. It does have very slight but measurable mass. It is the first layer of a matrix of energies i will call consciousness, or the soul. I believe there was once an ancient system, that was a complete understanding of, and a method to, cultivate and refine the awareness, consciousness and soul. Some parts of it survive– The Trivium and Quadrivium. The Imaginative power it still to be found in the ancient Irish Celtic Magical tradition. Bless all the people who held it safe for us. It has, according to the ancient Irish, and the ancient Greeks, 3 points…..on which to build. The Greeks described it as appetite, spirit and reason, the Irish, it was Spirit first, mentality, then Physical. Each function…

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